

  Are there possibilities of machines learning to do things that humans currently do like in the factories, warehouses, offices, and homes? There was a time people use to discuss on this topic continues. There is a lot of conversation on this till now. But its 2020, people benefit from artificial intelligence every day. You, me, everybody; through music recommender systems, Google Maps, Uber, Ola, and many more, and these are powered by AI. Since, the technology is ev o lving each and every day — quickly or slowly — along with fears and excitement, you must have heard the terms such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning, and surely these terms may leave you mystified. There’s a lot of confusion between artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning. You know one of the popular Google searches goes like this — “are artificial intelligence and machine learning are the same thing?” People are that much confused about this!!!!!!! We tried by our side

How to keep your WordPress site secure?

WordPress is known for being one of the easiest to understand Content Management Systems for any websites, however, WordPress is additionally a famous objective for programmers, hackers, and spammers. But sometimes you have to keep your WordPress site secure. And this happens usually only when your website gets hacked then you realize how important is to keep your WordPress site secure. You might be thinking why anybody would need to assault your site, especially when you are having a low traffic site; in any case, by far most programmers or hackers are not hoping to take your information, data, or erase significant records and files. What they need is to utilize your server to send spam emails.  They'll also install a program on your site that conveys huge amounts of spam, and you won't know it. According to WordPress itself, security is taken as a major concern, but as with any other system, there are potential security issues that may arise if some basic security precautions